Saturday, August 17, 2013

Run It Out!

Well, this was the result of my run yesterday!  I had to get out there and do it already.  I have gone twice for just 1mi to work on my speed/time.  I started at 10:40 and the second time I did 10:38 I believe.  I also have been doing some biking with my kids which includes me pulling a small canvas trailer with my almost 30lb son in it. :)

Back on track!  I did 3.1mi in 35:55!  My lowest time by far!  I started at 40:17 and went down to 38:04 as my best.  I can't believe I shaved almost 3 minutes off of my time!  I felt amazing when I got back.  Very sore just because it's been awhile since I ran the full 3.1.  I think I tried to avoid it!

 This was a screen shot from my Fitbit app on my phone.  By the time I went to bed I had over 12,000 steps!!  Now I don't count the "fitness calories" it claculates based on my steps to determine my eating calories.  I just feel like unless my heart rate is up for 20+ it isn't enough to consider.  So I only take into account my TRUE calories burned.  Like my running, or biking, or walking.  I feel like I will over eat.

This is my current BMI.  The day it gets into the green I will be jumping around screaming for joy!  I am just glad to be out of the obese section.  One of the ladies I work with I also became friends with on My Fitness Pal and we were talking about my blog and my Before and Now blog post.  The other ladies at work seemed interested so I showed them my pictures.  Since they see me everyday they notice I'm slimming down, but didn't think I was that big!  It was nice to see responses.

My eating is still a daily struggle.  It will always be.  I am not sure if it will ever get easier or if I will be fighting my cravings and my inner food demons forever.  I am hoping it goes away one day, but until then I guess I just need to stay active.

My next item up for discussion is the start of weight training.  I know I need to do it to tone up and slim down.  I just don't know what to do.  My Mom made herself a list of things to do on the days she doesn't run.  Maybe she will make me a copy :)

Thanks for reading!  What are some of your newest accomplishments.  Whether it be fitness or in life?  Hope you are all doing well and you have a happy, safe, healthy weekend!

~ <3 ~


  1. Cardio: Jumping jacks, invisible jump rope (I trip up too many times with a real one), race skating, knee raises while swinging arms up, dance the twist,squat jumps, burpees (I have a hard time doing these...I look like a 55 year old grandma when I do them)
    Strength: (I use 10 lb. weights...start lighter and work up) bicep curls, tricep curls, push ups, and ab crunches. I rarely do the crunches because I hate them.
    I basically pick one to three cardios and do it to exhaustion then immediately switch to a strength to exhaustion, then back to cardio.....I do this non-stop for 30 to 45 minutes. You should be sweating bullets when you are done. I usually watch the news while I do this. :)

  2. While I can get in a ton of steps a day, I rarely ever do three miles at a time. I did one 5k once, and it was a great experience. I totally wanted to do another one, but then never did.

    Definitely recommend doing some weights! There are a ton of body weight exercises or things you can do with a simple small weight set or bands. JillianMichaels 30DS is a good introduction really (also has cardio). Before I did that (and now again as I finished it) I do my own full-body weight workout a couple times a week. I keep it just strength training, but rotate through different body parts (rather than resting between sets).

  3. Thanks everyone. Thanks Mom! I will definitely be taking from your list!


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