Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nothing Wrong With A Little Protein

Oh yes my friends.  This was me tonight!  Over the weekend I decided to start the 5k-to-10k program.  I love the iPhone app by Active HERE .  They have it for Android devices as well!  So, today was SO muggy that my skin was dripping just from the damp air.  As I was running, and nearing the end of my run, I got SLAMMED in the face by a swarm of little bugs!  UGGHH!!  ICK!!! BLEECCCHHH!!  Now, a little protein never hurt anyone, but it is still gross :)

Now I know I always talk about my Fitbit, but now I love it more than ever!  I really push myself to stay as active as possible!  Another gal at work has one and we decided to become friends on Fitbit and "compete".  W-O-W!  Was that the best idea ever!  We are the talk of the office because we constantly check our numbers and see where the other one is.  She told me before I left today "Don't go running tonight....take a night off and relax".  She knew my running tacks on 2,000-6,000 steps.  But I am LOVING it!  Friendly competition which keeps us active and healthy!  We take our challenge right up until bed time HaHaHa!

Ok, so here was my screen shot from tonight...and yes, I am sitting on the couch now :)
I LOVE being able to see in color and graphs how I am doing and progressing.  I don't use the calorie count of just my steps.  Only my work outs.  Only when my heart rate is up for 20mins+.  Maybe I should, but I just can't do it.

I also decided to do some Zumba on our PS3 tonight.  Just getting some extra steps and keeping the heart rate up!  Our daughter joined me as well and she was hilarious.  She just makes me laugh the whole time which I am sure helps burn those calories!

I just have to remind myself to keep moving!  If I don't I become a couch potato again.  Sitting and watching TV from 6pm-10pm....it disgusts me how lazy I used to be.  I am so thankful for that moment of motivation that got my a$$ off the couch running a 5k and now again to running a 10k distance soon!  I feel amazing (some days I am still tired) but mostly amazing! :)

As a side note, a friend got motivated to start the couch to 5k program and she started and did amazing!  I hope she sticks with it because she is super psyched about it!

So, my motivational moment is still to just get moving!  If you find yourself sitting all night, go for a walk!  Lap the house!  Something!  ANYTHING!!  There are no excuses!

~ <3 ~


  1. You know I love the Fitbit ... in fact I caught a peek of myself there on your Fitbit screen shot :) The activity graph really motivates me, I have to get in several "spikes" during the day! I actually tried a little running (ok,jogging/walking) outside yesterday. My poor feet though, I HATE shoes. I think I'll be sticking with the elliptical in my slippers.

  2. You know I have a MFP friend who runs bare footed! You could always try that? :)


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