Saturday, November 1, 2014

The First Day

Well, today was the first day of a new life.  My goal?  To be in the best possible health of my life.

I decided to take my trainer's offer of prepping for a body competition next year.  YEP!  Next year, I will be posing in a bikini....on stage....posing.  AHHHH!  Even thinking about it freaks me out!

So, my trainer gave me a whole work up of daily work out plans and eating plan.  He has kept it super easy for me to follow, which I am very thankful for.  So, as I am reading, I start to FREAK OUT!  I was so overwhelmed and had NO idea what to do.

Thank goodness for Google!  I was able to look them all up and find images to show me what exactly I need to do.  PLUS I had a fellow gym member who offered to meet me today and "show me the ropes" as you will.  I felt SO much better.

However, I can barely raise my arms to wash my hair.  My legs are so sore from a good 40 minute run and 10 minutes on the step treadmill.  I am sore but am so glad I have started this!

Just had to share, and yes, I will keep you posted.  I took a before picture a few days ago.  I will post them side by side with my progression over time!

~ <3 ~

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