Thursday, May 8, 2014

Welcome Year TWO!

Well, I have begun my second year of my lifestyle change.  Not only am I impressed that I even made it this far (by a thread) but how motivated I still am to continue doing better!

I celebrated my one year healthy lifestyle anniversary Monday by going for a run.  It felt amazing and I really maintained a great pace throughout a 3 mile run.  I kept around 11:30-ish most of the time which I was impressed with because I haven't been able to do that since last year after finishing my 5k training.

My husband started a healthy eating regimen for work because they are having a competition on who can lose the most in a few months I guess.  Him doing that has made SUCH a huge difference.  We don't have as much junk in the house and we are eating a ton of healthier stuff.

I made the venture into the world of GMO free and Organic food last weekend.  I am trying to really pay attention to what we are buying and what we are putting in our bodies.  I figure I had one year of working it is time to focus on food.  This is my first week and it has been going QUITE well!  We have been eating a ton of grilled chicken, organic products and I have been aiming at getting GMO free as well.  It is so overwhelming but I am trying to get it slowly but surely.

I have had friends in my past that would really get going about organic stuff but at that time I wasn't ready.  Hell, my life was full of chaos, depression, really bad crap and I wasn't even thinking of my own health at that point.  Well, now it is time, and I have one heck of a support system around me to guide me and help me.

This handy little label has really helped me in my search....and yes if I see it I will buy your product over one without it.  There is just so much I can do and change and yet so much TO change that I feel overwhelmed and sometimes don't know where to begin....but so far so good!  Baby steps!

I had my PT training yesterday and for the first time I can say I feel like death LOL  He did an AMAZING job working my upper body!  Afterwards I went and did 6 miles on the elliptical machine.  I am pooped!  However I still went and ran almost 2.5 miles today with our doggy.  I had to walk the last .5 because she was starting to limp :(  Poor gal!

Ok I need to get some sleep and rest up for a busy work day and another PT Session!!!

Thank you all for your support from my one year blog posts!  I chuckle because my typed out post where i poured my heart out had like 38 views and my photo blog was like 115 or something BAHAHA.  I mean I am honored you all want to see my scary pictures but don't forget the emotional changes that can happen during this journey.  You're right though....even I can't stop staring at them LOL!

Thanks again for all of your support and bring it on YEAR 2!!!

~ <3 ~

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