Sunday, July 13, 2014

Some Chaos: 8 in 1000 - I am awesome

Ok, so I have been in such a funk the past month!!

Let us rewind a bit.  SO, after our son was born, I had an IUD placed called Mirena.  This sounded like an amazing option!  Never have to worry about taking the pill, no shots....keeping it simple.  Well lately something was nagging me to have it removed.  I didn't want the extra chemicals in my body and wanted everything I do to be the healthier natural option.  SO, into year 3 of 5 with this thing, I decide to have it removed.

I go in and the doctor can't find it.  I go almost two weeks later so he can use a scope for removal and it is GONE!  Nowhere where it should be.  Missing....just GONE!  They decide to do an ultrasound and we find out that it (time for some TMI people) migrated OUT of my uterus and into my body posteriorly (which means towards my back).

I now have to have laparoscopy through my belly button to remove this damn thing.  I do some research and notice that I am 8 in 1000 of a chance of migration.  I have no punctures and all seems to be well, but I have surgery scheduled in a few weeks.  It is all standard, but it still makes me nervous to be put know?  Doctor says I will be good to go after a few days (running and fitness wise).  SO, that is my story!

I have made the mistake of reading about surgery online but everyone seems to have had really great recoveries and surgeries.  It also seems as thought I will have probably 2 small incisions which includes the one in my belly button. STILL NERVOUS!

I just have been feeling so overwhelmed lately and this topped the cake.  I need to get back into my fitness because I have really not been doing well AT ALL!  UGGHHH!

OK, enough complaining....time to start doing and getting healthy again!  Thanks for reading....I am sure I will be fine but sheesh.......Hope you all had a good weekend!!

~ <3 ~

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