Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Huge Milestone Today!!!

WHAT!?  Am I reading this right!?  Is my scale playing it's mind tricks on me again!?

NOPE!  I got on the scale this morning and BAM!  I was down 2 lbs!  I have finally hit my halfway point!  I lost 20 lbs.  I got rid of 20 lbs of self hate, depression, and un-healthyness.  I NEVER want to go back there ever again!!

Thats just under what our son weighs!  I got rid of a small child in weight!  I have gotten close at times to this, but it happened quickly and then i gained it back.  This time I have worked hard and stuck with a plan.  I do have an amazing support system.

My husband has been amazing while I ditch him in the evenings to go out running.  My Mom and Dad have been super supportive.  I can't even begin to tell you all the friends that have been a huge support with all of this.  Especially my friend Sarah.  She helped drive me in the beginning and helped push me to do things I didn't think I could do.  If you read this girlie....thank you <3

You truly need every aspect of your life to be ready for such a huge change in your life.  Your SELF, your family, your friends.  Thank you all for helping me in becoming the new "Me".  The better and healthier "Me".  The sexier "Me" ;)

I was reading a blog where the woman named her scale.  I shall name mine Johnny after my c25k Zombie trainer.  And after Johnny 5...i LOVE those movies ;)  Althought when it makes me mad, I am sure I will have a few choice names for him teeheehee.

I am having an out of sorts week next week and am hoping to continue the streak of goodness!  Thanks to everyone out there who has been so supportive and hopefully I can help you as you have helped me!

~ <3 ~

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nothing Wrong With A Little Protein

Oh yes my friends.  This was me tonight!  Over the weekend I decided to start the 5k-to-10k program.  I love the iPhone app by Active HERE .  They have it for Android devices as well!  So, today was SO muggy that my skin was dripping just from the damp air.  As I was running, and nearing the end of my run, I got SLAMMED in the face by a swarm of little bugs!  UGGHH!!  ICK!!! BLEECCCHHH!!  Now, a little protein never hurt anyone, but it is still gross :)

Now I know I always talk about my Fitbit, but now I love it more than ever!  I really push myself to stay as active as possible!  Another gal at work has one and we decided to become friends on Fitbit and "compete".  W-O-W!  Was that the best idea ever!  We are the talk of the office because we constantly check our numbers and see where the other one is.  She told me before I left today "Don't go running tonight....take a night off and relax".  She knew my running tacks on 2,000-6,000 steps.  But I am LOVING it!  Friendly competition which keeps us active and healthy!  We take our challenge right up until bed time HaHaHa!

Ok, so here was my screen shot from tonight...and yes, I am sitting on the couch now :)
I LOVE being able to see in color and graphs how I am doing and progressing.  I don't use the calorie count of just my steps.  Only my work outs.  Only when my heart rate is up for 20mins+.  Maybe I should, but I just can't do it.

I also decided to do some Zumba on our PS3 tonight.  Just getting some extra steps and keeping the heart rate up!  Our daughter joined me as well and she was hilarious.  She just makes me laugh the whole time which I am sure helps burn those calories!

I just have to remind myself to keep moving!  If I don't I become a couch potato again.  Sitting and watching TV from disgusts me how lazy I used to be.  I am so thankful for that moment of motivation that got my a$$ off the couch running a 5k and now again to running a 10k distance soon!  I feel amazing (some days I am still tired) but mostly amazing! :)

As a side note, a friend got motivated to start the couch to 5k program and she started and did amazing!  I hope she sticks with it because she is super psyched about it!

So, my motivational moment is still to just get moving!  If you find yourself sitting all night, go for a walk!  Lap the house!  Something!  ANYTHING!!  There are no excuses!

~ <3 ~

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Parades Are My New Nemesis

So not once have I really thought of this, however today made me realize something.  Just because candy is "fun size" doesn't mean it's fun for your calorie intake!  We took our kids to a parade this morning and there they stood.  Eyes opened wide and gleaming, chasing the scattered candy all over the sidewalks.  So as I notice some of my favorites I grab them up and cram them down my throat.  They tasted sooooo good.  I am pretty sure I now understand how an addict feels when they get a taste of the good stuff.

My enjoyment quickly died down when I realized that I could not hide this from my friends on My Fitness Pal and I very slowly entered EVERY....SINGLE.....piece of crap I swallowed.  My smile quickly faded, and i almost instantly felt my belly gain 4 pant sizes realizing that I had eaten......wait for it....433 calories!  That is a freaking meal!  Not to mention it wasn't filling and it almost made me eat everything in the house once we got home.

So, be careful my friends.  Those parade candies and Halloween candies will get ya.  Knowing my inner battle with food, I cannot eat just one.  I need to devour an entire bag then sniff out more like a blood thirsty horror monster looking for my next victim.  Yes, I went there :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friends!  Keep moving, walking, biking, running.  Whatever you need to do to keep that movement going!  And enjoy the weather if you have good weather this weekend! 

~ <3 ~

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Humans never cease to amaze....

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Seriously, the human race never ceases to amaze me.  I was very productive this morning and had time to start my 5k to 10k app.  Off I went.  Feeling good to start my new goal for the day.  As I make my way around our block I hear a faint noise.  I decide to turn down my music to take a listen and I hear a young boy screaming from somewhere "Keep running fatty!  You're so fat!".  I didn't turn around, and I just keep on trucking forward.  It didn't hurt me or my feelings.  It made me agry.  At his parents!

Growing up, we picked on kids.  I was even picked on a bit, but it is NOTHING like the kids these days.  Call it bullying, call it picking on someone.  Whatever you call it, it is wrong.  I don't understand how parents can allow their children to behave like this.  NOW, mind you something to think about is "Where did they learn it from?".  Some can say TV, some can say video games, music.  You know what I say?  PARENTS!  Parents need to start taking responsibility of their children.  Molding them into loving caring human beings.  Faith and religion in their lives is a whole different blog post that I will allow some other daring soul to endure.  I have my feelings and I am sure you all have yours on that as well.

Back on track.  Kids these days are not taught to respect people.  They are rude, vile little things and it saddens me that our children will soon be put into school with these kids.  Now, I know it isn't ALL kids, but wow is it a lot.

So, my PSA for today is.... Parents: Please teach your children about love, and respect.  Teach them to treat others the way they would like to be treated.  Teach them how to TALK to people instead of staring at their phones all the time (yes I am guilty of this and am trying to break the habit for my own kids).  Teach them to strive for goals and successes in life.  Kids these days have no direction and it is because we don't expect things from them any more.  They need responsibility and and expectations.

I know every child is different, but we can teach them how to be nice!  I mean sheesh it is pretty simple!

As a side note, I completed Week1 Day1 of my 5k-10k program and cut our front and back lawn as well.  Lots of steps already from my fitbit!

I have been pretty busy today, but that is good.  I have been a lazy bum the last few days :)  I am loving my Fitbit by the way.  It really let me know that I WASN'T moving as much as I thought I did at work!  It has been amazing.  I am a very visual person, so all of the grafts they use really keep me motivated and keep me seeing how I am doing.  I got mine super cheap on eBay!  Just do a search for a used one!  That's what I did!

Ok, enough of my product placement :)  Have an amazing day and enjoy everything and everyone!  Peace and love my friends.....peace and love ;)

~ <3 ~

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Getting Speedy

One of the things that has been frustrating for me is my time while running.  I am still new to fitness and my new hobby of running, however I like to see progress.  I have been running 38-41min for 3.1mi.  It hasn't changed!  Every week I get frustrated because I am not progressing like I feel I should.  

If you have been reading my posts you will notice I have been doing a LOT of biking with our kids ( click here ).  I also have been working on my time for running a mile ( See Here ).  My best time ended up getting down to 10:38-ish?  Well, I ran my mile today in 10:16!  I also biked 4.79mi tonight.  I had a poor eating day and I know I had to make up for SOME of it.  Plus I wanted to keep up on my Fitbit steps for the day since I have been doing so bad at it.

Back to the point right?  So I noticed last week when I combined my quick mile runs with bike rides, by the end of the week I had gut my 5k time by 3 mins.  That is a HUGE improvement!  My main goal has been to improve my time.  I feel these short bursts of running (which my time has improved) are really conditioning my body for faster running.

I have my first 5k in just a few short weeks.  I am excited and SO nervous.  I just want to finish but at a good pace without pushing too hard that I feel like I am going to die.  So I guess my training continues.  I will always try to improve myself in all aspects, but it is nice to have goals to achieve so that I can keep striving!

Do you have anything in your life or fitness wise that you have a goal set?  Whether it is reducing your running/walking times or a weight you are lifting or even weight you are trying to lose?

No matter what it is, stick with it and I am proof that ANYTHING is possible as long as you REALLY want it!

~ <3 ~

Monday, August 19, 2013

Absolutely Exhausted

YUP!  This is me right now.  I can barely keep my eyes open and it isn't even 8pm yet!  Our son refuses to sleep to a decent hour and it is starting to show in my face.  I was pretty active this weekend and Sunday I was just plain 'ole busy.  Work was crazy for me today and I sat down after dinner and hit ROCK BOTTOM.

Mondays are my running days, so I know I need to get out there and at least run ONE mile!  Just one!  That's it body....just one tiny mile compared to the usual 3.1.  Screw you body!  I am at the point of exhaustion today.  I can tell my body is screaming for a isn't used to all of this craziness....ok, maybe today my friend.....but tomorrow you are getting your butt kicked!

~ <3 ~

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pull Up People!

So...When people have ALL this space in front of their garage, yet THIS is where they choose to park!  It isn't SO much of an inconvenience when I am running.  It IS an inconvenience for our 4 year old daughter who just started riding her first bike with training wheels.  I mean COME ON people!!  I honestly can say that she fell twice while trying to get around multiple driveways.  It's just so silly!  It makes me want to do this:

Yes, I think that would make me feel better :)

So on our bike ride, we went for just over 3 miles.  Our daughter was so exhausted and sweaty.  I was a bit worn myself but it was a slow pace so it wasn't so awful :)  I looked at my monthly work out calendar on Map My Run  I have been busy, but not as busy as usual!

At least the biking has made up for the lack of running.  Well, sort of.  My improved time last night has really made me want to push myself.  I read in my Runners World magazine they say for the 5k to pace yourself to start out how fast you want to end I believe.  I started to do just 1 mile runs to work on improving my time, and maybe it helped?  I don't know!  I will have to see if it does.

Our kids are napping so I figured I would have some blog time this afternoon since I plan on being busy the rest of the weekend.  I plan on, after the kids go to bed tonight, to go online and find some good recipes to try.  We need to start eating better dinners too.  It's hard for us because working full time I get home later and I refuse to eat dinner at 7pm so I am thankful that my husband helps out as much as he does.  I want to find some easy quick recipes.  If any of you have any recipes to recommend, please email them to me!

Have an amazing weekend everyone!

~ <3 ~

Run It Out!

Well, this was the result of my run yesterday!  I had to get out there and do it already.  I have gone twice for just 1mi to work on my speed/time.  I started at 10:40 and the second time I did 10:38 I believe.  I also have been doing some biking with my kids which includes me pulling a small canvas trailer with my almost 30lb son in it. :)

Back on track!  I did 3.1mi in 35:55!  My lowest time by far!  I started at 40:17 and went down to 38:04 as my best.  I can't believe I shaved almost 3 minutes off of my time!  I felt amazing when I got back.  Very sore just because it's been awhile since I ran the full 3.1.  I think I tried to avoid it!

 This was a screen shot from my Fitbit app on my phone.  By the time I went to bed I had over 12,000 steps!!  Now I don't count the "fitness calories" it claculates based on my steps to determine my eating calories.  I just feel like unless my heart rate is up for 20+ it isn't enough to consider.  So I only take into account my TRUE calories burned.  Like my running, or biking, or walking.  I feel like I will over eat.

This is my current BMI.  The day it gets into the green I will be jumping around screaming for joy!  I am just glad to be out of the obese section.  One of the ladies I work with I also became friends with on My Fitness Pal and we were talking about my blog and my Before and Now blog post.  The other ladies at work seemed interested so I showed them my pictures.  Since they see me everyday they notice I'm slimming down, but didn't think I was that big!  It was nice to see responses.

My eating is still a daily struggle.  It will always be.  I am not sure if it will ever get easier or if I will be fighting my cravings and my inner food demons forever.  I am hoping it goes away one day, but until then I guess I just need to stay active.

My next item up for discussion is the start of weight training.  I know I need to do it to tone up and slim down.  I just don't know what to do.  My Mom made herself a list of things to do on the days she doesn't run.  Maybe she will make me a copy :)

Thanks for reading!  What are some of your newest accomplishments.  Whether it be fitness or in life?  Hope you are all doing well and you have a happy, safe, healthy weekend!

~ <3 ~

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Little Miss Busy Feet

Yep!  See that?  I have over 10,000 steps going for today!  I am loving my Fitbit !  It is so interesting to see how active I am or am not and when I am most active.  I cannot lie that my FAVORITE part so far is the sleep tracker!  Really interesting to see how I slept last night.

Anywho, today was a busy day!  After the kids went to their babysitters I came home and went NUTS on our house!  I cleaned from floor to ceiling, vacuumed and steamed the floors.  I even ran the steamer over the one room of carpet we have to freshen it up.  I was super sweaty and knew I was burning those fatty pieces I just love so much :)

I know this is supposed to be a blog about my journey but I had to share a personal story.  Our doggy broke her tooth!!  She has to be sedated tomorrow to have it taken out.  Our poor furry baby!
I can't wait until it is over and we can bring her home!

OK, so back on topic.  I had a decent day today.  After my horrible eating yesterday, I won't lie that today was hard!  I felt that familiar pull towards wanting to eat everything i saw today.  Once i was sitting on the couch all I wanted was ice cream.  I was literally screaming at myself in my mind to shut the heck up and deal.  I drank more water hoping that would help.  I still want it....I do! 

I plan on running my 3.1mi again.  I HAVE to get back on track!  I finished my couch to 5k app and just fell off the wagon.  I was doing so good with it too!  I can't give up!  I have come so far!  My official 4 months weigh in/photo shoot takes place soon and I am excited yet nervous.  I see the difference in older pictures but some days I don't feel like I look different.  I don't want to be model skinny with all my breakable bones hanging out.  I just want to look healthy and toned. 

That is where I will leave this post as I plan on getting into my weights and my experience with Jillian Michaels sometime soon.  Have an amazing day or night (depending on where you live) and thank you again for reading!  Loving the support and knowing people are out there!

~ <3 ~

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Out of Control Today

This is how I feel today.  I am not even submitting my eating on My Fitness Pal because it was a JOKE!  I came home after grocery shopping.  Opened up my new Fitbit and sat down to enjoy the learning.  I became so overwhelmed i started searching the cupboards.  "Oooo!  Cheeze Its!  Oooo!  Ice cream!!"  It makes me so mad because I do so good and then that's all it takes.  Then after that I feel so guilty and ashamed and I really beat myself up.

I should just learn from today and move on.  I will, and I do.  WHY do I do this to myself?  FOOD IS THE DEBIL!  I've said it many times and it is true.  I am an emotional eater.  Maybe I should go talk to someone about it?  It's my fall back.  Food is always there.

I drink water, I try to eat fiber and proteins to keep full.  No matter how full I am I will still eat.  I am so bummed about my icky day.  I will make up for it tomorrow!  I plan on running first thing in the morning to help me and maybe a bike ride after work.

I've got to keep at it.  It is a daily struggle with ups and downs.  I just have to stay strong and keep pushing!

~ <3 ~

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New Found Fitness

I look much happier than her while I am biking, but it makes me smile knowing that the whole family is staying active.  Our daughter is LOVING riding her bike!!!  I am not going to lie that it is a nice change of pace from the running.  I just hope I don't let it go.  It really did help me feel better and really helped relieve stress I was having at the time.

I guess I don't have much to post today.  I felt so motivated yesterday and really produced an inspiring blog post.  I feel like a bum today :-P

I am very anxious to weigh in the beginning of September and take my photo update.  It is me in a bra and panties and I have no shame to share it so you can see the difference too!  Maybe I'll blur my face ;-)

I want to thank those of you who are reading this and PLEASE if you have any questions or have a topic you would like me to post about, don't hesitate to contact me.  I am on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter!  You know that social networking is EVERYWHERE!  Thanks again and I do hope I can help someone out there who may be struggling like I was!

~ <3 ~

Monday, August 12, 2013

My Personal Best

Well, I did it!  I ran tonight. What was different?  I was able to run a mile in 10:40!!!  I stopped twice equaling almost a minute, but I DID IT!!!  My goal is to get faster more than increasing my distance. 3.1 or even 4 miles is plenty. 

I wish I could go back and show my former self and tell her "See!?  This is the life you could have. To feel good. To not be out of breath from playing with the kids. To feel good about yourself in your own skin. Even your kids notice!  Your daughter encourages you to exercise so you can 'be healthy'.  Your husband even noticed how wonderful you look and said something about it!  Your self esteem is up. You are no longer depressed. You have an amazing job that you finally enjoy. You are surrounded by amazing people who love you and who support you. Can't you see that YOU ARE WORTH IT!?"

You know what?  I AM worth it!  For me, my kids, my husband, my family and my friends. To be with them and to enjoy being with them instead of being a bump on a log. Screw that woman. I am so glad to leave those bad things behind. This is MY TIME, and it feels freaking amazing!  I have proven that anyone can do it!  There are no excuses and there will never be the perfect time to change your life. You just have to DO IT!

So, get up off your butts and go for walks with your kids or your dog. Just go alone to have some meditation time to reflect on your day and to thank God for the life you have :). You don't have to start running or walk for miles. Start small and work your way up. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish!

~ <3 ~

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Yes. I said it. I hate the HEAT!

                      Does anyone else feel like ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   THAT??

I HATE hot weather!  I also hate snow, but I will save that one for the first official Northeast Ohio snow storm of the winter season.

I enjoy sitting in the shade....having the pool boy fan me while I sip my fruity frozen drink.  BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Yeah like THAT would be happening.  I have to say though as I am losing weight the heat doesn't affect me as much.  I seem to tolerate it a little better as time goes on.  Last night I was actually cold!

I guess I don't know where this post is headed and I apologize with my poor authoring skills :)  This is my first time really putting myself out there and writing.

I hate running in the hot sun and feeling like my skin is frying off my body.  Although once I was good at remembering sunscreen it didn't seem as bad.  I really shouldn't complain.  I am actually starting to get nervous with the winter months approaching.  Many things are running through my mind.

1) Should i join a gym
Follow-up to #1) is there a gym that i can go monthly instead of a yearly contract

2) should i get a treadmill
follow-up to #2) is there a reliable amazing fold up treadmill? (we don't have the space for a standard one)


#3, mind you, is my biggest fear.  Putting on my hibernation weight then needing to start back at square one and just being disappointed in myself.

My plan?  I know you're asking if I even have a point to this babbling.  I do, so hang in there with me.  My plan is to already KNOW I will keep the weight off, and that when the time comes I will have a plan.  My Mom always says I need to live in the moment and stop planning my life.  I do, it is just hard!

I guess I need to research running in the cold weather.  What do I wear?  Do I wear my same shoes or are there special running snow boots I don't know about.

Any advice out there?  Anything you'd recommend?  I do hope someone is reading this and that we can all help each other.  I also hope maybe there is someone that wonders "What's next" and maybe I can inspire them.  Either way, I will be hitting my 4 month anniversary to the start of my healthy new life and I will have a thorough evaluation on my life as well as the numbers.  That always keeps ya motivated right!?

Thanks for stopping by!  Tell your friends and don't forget to follow me if you have a blogger account!!  I am also on Google+!

~ <3 ~

Saturday, August 10, 2013


First off, I am totally peeved because I really had a good post typed up. I hit publish and my blogger app took a dump and I don't have ANYTHING now. So I hope I can recreate it a little. 

So I've said it once and I'll say it again. Food is my toughest struggle. I have no problem stopping myself from eating too many carrots or too much watermelon. But my body is not equipped with a governor that will shut my body off when I can't have anymore junk food. 

My weaknesses?  Ice cream, candies, chips. Really anything they say is junk ill eat it. It's like a drug addict. Once I get my fix I stop twitching and foaming at the mouth like a dog sitting near the dinner table. Yeah!  Try to get THAT visual out of your head :)

As a side not I did get out today and do a 1.8mi bike ride with our daughter. While on our journey she says "now that I ride my bike like a big girl I can come with you when you run right?"  I look down at my GPS watch and see we are doing a 19min mile and I nicely tell her "no honey. I don't think so."  Half way through our trip I looked down and saw we were at 11:18min/mile and then figured maybe she COULD. If she can keep that up for 3.1mi would be the question. We shall see :). Maybe a test run is in order. 

OK!  Way off topic there. Back on track!  So do any of you have that one struggle that peaks it's ugly head around the corner sometimes?  Mine is food!  It's always there in the back of my mind like that one person in your life you know you're better without but you still want to get ahold if them just to say hi.

Curse you food!  It will take time, but i WILL win!  Food is the debil!

Crazy Ex-Lazy Butt!

So now that I am an active person, I feel like I'm the crazy ex lazy person. You know how there are ex-smokers who are like CRAZY towards smoking persons?

That's how I feel about people who claim they can't move. Like really?  You can't walk around your block?  You can't walk up and down your driveway a few times?  Granted some people have legitimate health issues and that's fine. I get it. But when you say all you did was sit on the couch and watch TV, I have no pity for you.  It's amazing looking around how heavy we US people are. It's sad!!

If I can start anyone can start!!!  I was 200+ lbs!  It was exhausting and uncomfortable!  I hated it!  But you know what?  I am doing it!  It's hard work but I'm doing it!  So suck it up people and get it done!  I'll tell you what it's worth it!

6am?? REALLY!? Eating?? REALLY!?

This is how I felt when our 2 year old son stomped into our room at 6am today. Why he won't sleep past 6 lately is beyond me. I guess he is prepping me for waking up at 5:15 this week to get everyone ready and to the sitters. 

I plan on running at some point today. Hopefully my husband will be back from man bonding over catching and skinning fish for food by nap time today. At least I'd get a tan today while running. 

My body is craving sweating out all this s^#% I've been eating lately. It doesn't help that my wretched Aunt Flo has come to visit for the week.

Yup. I went there!  That's how I feel. It's like I slither around eating EVERYTHING in site!  My poor kids.  They must thing I'm a crazy food monster!

Back on track today though!  I can honestly say my inner demon is food. If it is there, I want to eat it!  That's why when the kids ask "can we have crackers for snack?"  I say "no!  We can't keep that in the house!  Food is the debil!"

I really don't say that but it is my constant evil and constant challenge!  Going out to eat is the worst. As I sit and use my app to figure out what I can and can't have. I love the app and maybe that's why I rarely go out to eat!  It's disgusting seeing how high in calories and fat everything is!  My FAVORITE dish at The Macaroni Grill is their Carbonara. It's AMAZING!  Just for the dish alone it is 1,260 calories!!!  Why do they do this to us!?

Well after that venting I am going to sit and have my protein meal bar for breakfast. YUUUUUUUUUUUM!

~ <3 ~

Friday, August 9, 2013

Biker Mom

Well, we went for a family bike ride tonight.  Now mind you our daughter JUST started riding her training wheeled bike.

SO, imagine this.....She is in front of me watching my husband in the street edging closer to the sides of the lawns where the gaps will DEVOUR her training wheels!  I have a 2yo sitting in a "trailer" behind me.  So I am freaking out and when she stops I have to start over.  So my 126 calories burned had to have been more dragging a 28lb child behind me RIGHT :-P

We had fun, and even though it doesn't replace my running, at least I stayed active I guess!  Bring on tomorrow!

~ <3 ~

Do They Stare?

Do you think people stare while I run?  If they stare, what do they say?  My first time running my couch to 5k program they probably thought "Oh my...should I call 911?"

I sounded like I was having an asthma attack.  Maybe like an animal that was on it's last breath after being mauled by a vicious predator?

Either way I felt like death.

Now, I am still breathing heavier at times but at least I don't look like a person that had been stranded on a deserted island for years.  WILSOOOOOOOOOON!

Before and Now

Thought I would add a before and a present picture :)  It does make me smile seeing the progress.  Slow but steady!

 So here I am topping in at 200lbs the end of 2012.
 And here I am down 10lbs I believe at this point about a month ago.
Last but not least, 16lbs down.  Slow progress!

My only struggle is with food!  I just need to figure out what is the proper calorie count for me.  I sometimes feel like I don't eat enough on the days I am SUPER active!  I hope it isn't slowing my weight loss down!

~ <3 ~

Already talking my way out of it

Yes....running.  I won't go until our children are in bed and I am already dreading it, but I HAVE to do it!  I can't gain back the 15lbs I have lost already!  I WON'T!!! 

This is my struggle.  It's so easy to just say "no, not today.  I'll start next week". 

I work full time then when I get home join my husband with wrangling the children until bed time :)  THEN I must get changed and go running.....I can do this, I just needed to vent!

~ <3 ~


90 Day Slump?

So as I sit here reflecting, I felt I should start this blog to maybe help myself and maybe others who have reached 90 days with something in their life.

Here is my story:

The beginning of May I had my niece's first holy communion.  A family friend (innocently) asked me if I was expecting.  Previous to this, I have "dieted" I have tried multiple work out routines, and like in the past, it lasted 2 weeks or maybe a month and then something would "happen" and i would stop.

Back on topic.  SO, I was fine with it and she felt awful.  I was fine all day!  Once our two kids were in bed....I sat down....and started sobbing.  THIS was the motivation I needed.  I haven't been pregnant in 2 years, and after having two children and knowing that we were done with pregnancies I decided it was time for ME.

I was going to be 31 and still haven't made time for ME!  It was my turn!  All I needed was a small amount of time for ME!

That night i started some research and asked a friend of mine for some advice.  Her words of wisdom were "Couch to 5k".  BAM!  Like that I was hooked.

It is now August and 3 times a week I run 3.1miles.  I am just now trying to put some Jillian Michaels 30 day shred in there twice a week.  That has been a little bit harder to keep up with, but I am trying.

The past few weeks I have been struggling.  Talking myself out of running, and then guilting myself back into it.  It is hard because I don't have a jogging stroller or any way to bring my kids, so I HAVE to wait until someone can be with them or until my husband gets home and the kids go to bed.

So after all of my babbling, I guess I don't know why I wrote this.  Maybe to vent.  Maybe so people push me.  Maybe so that if I know people see me struggling they will motivate me more.  WHO KNOWS!

All I know is that I am really trying to keep it up and just feel BLAH today.  Thanks for reading....if you have read this whole blabbering nonsense.  And good luck to you all!

~ <3 ~

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