Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Out of Control Today

This is how I feel today.  I am not even submitting my eating on My Fitness Pal because it was a JOKE!  I came home after grocery shopping.  Opened up my new Fitbit and sat down to enjoy the learning.  I became so overwhelmed i started searching the cupboards.  "Oooo!  Cheeze Its!  Oooo!  Ice cream!!"  It makes me so mad because I do so good and then that's all it takes.  Then after that I feel so guilty and ashamed and I really beat myself up.

I should just learn from today and move on.  I will, and I do.  WHY do I do this to myself?  FOOD IS THE DEBIL!  I've said it many times and it is true.  I am an emotional eater.  Maybe I should go talk to someone about it?  It's my fall back.  Food is always there.

I drink water, I try to eat fiber and proteins to keep full.  No matter how full I am I will still eat.  I am so bummed about my icky day.  I will make up for it tomorrow!  I plan on running first thing in the morning to help me and maybe a bike ride after work.

I've got to keep at it.  It is a daily struggle with ups and downs.  I just have to stay strong and keep pushing!

~ <3 ~


  1. Oh DO still enter it all in MFP ... I am quite the same way, and so I have to keep my food diary private so I'll be honest. I am just way too embarrassed to have anyone look at it right now. It certainly isn't inspiring.

    But I make myself put it ALL down in my food diary. In fact, I renamed one of the categories "Completely Empty Calories" and often I have more there than I do in any of my meals :(

    I do UBER exercise, and I am managing to out cardio my calories at the moment, but I know I need to improve.

  2. See I had NO motivation today for my cardio. I am making up for it tomorrow. Ugghh just disgusted with myself :P

  3. Oh Beth...I feel ya! Between the fair yesterday and Kalahari today, I have been really bad! You will get back on track! Fight tomorrow! :)

  4. Have you read anything by Geneen Roth? She writes really great books on women and food. Just finished "When Food is Love"- beyond being hilarious, it was really moving.

  5. I will look into that Melissa! Thank you!


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