Sunday, October 4, 2015

Where Have I Been?

Wow......It has been since February since I have last posted an entry.  My trainer recently asked me if I still kept up with my blog.  I had to think about it and realized that I hadn't!  So many things have changed in my life.  A lot on our plate here at home, I started a new job (which has been amazing), I have been struggling in my journey, and I have definitely fallen off the wagon.

All my life I have a pattern.  Whether it was work, or relationships, hobbies, goals.  I start and throw myself into it but then slowly I cut back and taper off and cut things entirely.  I am looking into why I do this.....I am not lazy.....but there is something.  So, here I am getting ready to start all over again!

I am keeping up with my trainer once a week, but once a week isn't enough.  The at home DVD's make it so easy to slack or turn off or just avoid in general.  Ideally, I would win the lottery and hire my trainer daily and also hire a chef to prep and pack everything for me.  Oh.....dreams....they are wonderful :)

So, why have I returned with my blog?  I need to change my habits and I also felt like I was doing better in my journey when I WAS posting my blog entries.

Since my last post, I have run various races.  A 10k, a few 5k's and various workout programs.  My race times have been embarrassing and disappointing.  It is my own damn fault.  So, how convenient now that I want to start as the weather is turning cold and winter will be here before you know it.

In conclusion, here are my GOALS for the remainder of 2015.
-excercise more regularly
-healthier choices and tracking my food
-more personal development (helps stay positive)
-more time with family and friends
-more unplugging from social networking

What are YOUR goals to finish strong this year.  Have you accomplished any that you set in January?  Thanks for reading and love to you all!

~ <3 ~

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