Now 203lb Beth would laugh at this. "There is no way I would ever do that." "There is no way I'd stick with it." "I'd fail." IN YOUR FACE UNHEALTHY ME!!
I am doing it and I love it! I'm not trying to beat a certain time or be competitive with it. I really am enjoying running!! The eating is still, and I have a feeling will always be, a hard thing to battle. I found myself sitting on the couch wishing we had a treadmill so I could bust a run and watch tv. It's like I NEEDED the high!
I went to the gym and ran. We'll tried to run all that salt and bloat out of my body from over the weekend. Uggghhh slowly but surely. I am realizing that the first mile is hard. But the second mile is the toughest one! Then to get to 4 miles is like nothing! I am sure I could do more than that but with my next 5k on Sunday I didn't want to push myself. I feel amazing!!! It's this natural high that just makes everything around you better :)
I really do need to start working with weights. I've tried 30DS and just couldn't stick with it. I need to get some heavier weights so I can do it too. Baby steps I say but yet I never get started! My floppy arms are becoming more noticeable and it's freaking me out! I have all winter to work on it I guess. BUT I have to start now!!
Well I have a busy day ahead so I had better get busy! Have a super Wednesday everyone!!!
~ <3 ~
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