Sunday, July 6, 2014

Holiday Exhaustion

***BE PREPARED!  This entry is long, jumbled, and not so focused on the journey as it is a venting post.  Read with caution!***

I enjoy the long holidays/summer vacations because it gets me away from the daily grind of work.  HOWEVER, it also causes me to stray from my routine because I am so busy with my family that I don't have that designated "Me Time" to go running or work out.

I have had an amazing weekend with my family though.  Fireworks with the kids, my niece had her first birthday party, we took the kids to play some putt putt for the first time ever, and we did a lot of longing by the fire and drinking.  Lot's of enjoyable times!

I need to start making a list of things I need to accomplish on a daily level.  I sometimes get overwhelmed in my mind and then I don't get anything done!  Yes, things as simple as laundry or vacuuming are all on this list.  It makes it easier to prioritize and organize my thoughts.  I get distracted very easily.  After this crazy weekend I still have things to get done.  However my most exciting moment was my husband hanging a clothes line for me.  Simple yet exciting.  I love hanging the laundry to dry!!

SO, back on track.  I decided to start training for a half marathon......I was supposed to start Friday.....aaaaaand I haven't started yet.  I am having a hard time putting it together with my "training homework" that I am trying to maintain every other day.  This has also left me somewhat overwhelmed.  I feel like I have so much on my plate to do towards this new goal and I don't know where to plot it all out.

I have been a RAGING bitch the past 2 weeks.  I haven't known why, I just have had so much pent up frustration that I wanted to punch something!  I kept saying "It's not my period because I just got that like a week ago!"  Low and behold BAM there it starts.  I can honestly say I am a more emotional and depressed PMS-er but I was the raving BITCH PMS-er this month.  I felt AWFUL!  For my husband, my kids, my co-workers.  Yeah was bad.

Again, off topic, but it really affected my fitness goals!  I didn't do ANYTHING!  My poor trainer!  PT day came and he walked in and I said "I am raging and feel like I should punch someone or something, so let's work it out!"  When I was done it did help a little but I was still cranky.  I still am cranky!

I am just full of positive things right now aren't I!?  Blah!  Ok, I am done sharing, but exhausted and now I will eat pizza for dinner and plan our food for the week.  How I love my crock pot!

Thanks for sticking through this if you did!

~ <3 ~

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