Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A time you hate being a woman.....

I'll tell you what....when that "time of the month" is approaching I am just a big ball of bloaty blah-ness.  I have no motivation to exercise and all I want to do it eat!  And not just normal eating....junk food eating.  Chips, ice cream, chocolate.  You name it....I want to ingest it!

I have been feeling so out of sorts all week and this morning I didn't even look forward to my PT (personal training) session.  Those are the highlight of my week so that I can get back into the groove if I was slowing down.  So this morning I look at my handy little calendar and there it was.  BAM it starts next week.  I knew it.  Otherwise why the hell would I feel this way!?

Our kids have been FINALLY feeling better after being sick for almost 2 weeks.  I started giving them a Claritin every morning because our son keeps saying his head hurt and we have decided he has awful allergies and sinus issues.  It has helped him so much!  I hate taking medicine and I hate giving it to my kids, but in this instance it was worth it.

SO, now that they are starting to get better I can refocus and get back into the swing of being healthy.  I signed up for one 5k every month through september and I am so excited.  I am thrilled too because my husband has decided to train and run with me!  To be able to share this part of my life with him really makes me super happy.  We are together all the time but something like this really gives you a different connection.  To run with him will be so fun.  My heart is so full!

Our daughter graduated Pre-School since my last post and she is so excited to start kindergarten.  I am not as excited that this time has gone by so quickly, but here we are :)  Our son starts pre-school this fall as well.  Both of them starting school....where has the time gone!

This post is kind of all over the place, but I enjoy emptying my brain even if it isn't all fitness related.

Ok, I need to shove off here.  Thanks for stopping by!  My next race is June 29th in the Danny Parmertor Memorial Run to raise money for scholarships in our cousin Danny's name.  I can't wait for it in just a few short weeks!

Enjoy your day and stay active!!

~ <3 ~

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