Friday, January 17, 2014

Seduced By Fitness

I told them that I wouldn't forget them.  I told them that "One day when the mood strikes....I WILL have my way with you".

It was a decent day.  The sun was shining and it was finally warmer than 38*F.  I got out of work; ran an errand; came home.  The whole way home, the sun was teasing me with it's warm caress.  The wind died down almost begging me to enjoy it. 

I couldn't see them at first, but when I got home I heard them calling my name.

I walked over and gently touched the laces....they giggled a bit.  I said "Today I am in the mood and I hope you are ready".  They were aroused at the thought of what we would do and where we would go.  I left them panting while I changed.  I got my coat on.  I put my ear warmers on (which I got for christmas and also double as headphones!  THANKS MOM AND DAD!!).  I slipped my coat on and got my GPS and music ready.

They were last.  They knew they would be.  I loosed the laces and slowly slipped into them.  It was a snug fit, but it felt amazing.  I tightened up the laces and took a quick walk around the house.  I missed that feeling.  I was awakened by it and felt my inner need to start what I had set out to do.


Yeah, I am the next E.L. James right???  BAHAHAHAHAHA

So, off I went.  I was so nervous to run since I haven't gone since what, before Thanksgiving!?  So as I am running I almost talk myself out of it.  "It's too cold" "My feet feel funny" "My legs are already sore" "My arms feel awkward".  However, as quickly as I thought those things, they drifted away while I listened to my playlist, kept my head up, hands relaxed and started to run.

I hit the first mile and started to slow down.  I was used to running 3+ days a week and I haven't ran in 2 months!  I kept pushing and at one point I was running at 13:02 and got pissed.  I picked up the pace and made it back home at 2.10 miles.   I knew I had to start off slow, so I stopped and walked another mile.  I could have ran, but I knew not to push it.  I ran a mile at work Tuesday and was a little sore Wednesday.  I don't even want to know how I will feel tomorrow :)

So I came home, put my shoes away again.  I looked back and reassured them that I would be more
gentle next time, but they needed to be prepared to go a little longer.  It may be months before I run outside again, but it felt amazing and I FEEL AMAZING!  It was what I needed to get back into it!

Tomorrow is 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels and I KNOW she is going to work me hard ;)

~ <3 ~


  1. LOL! Awesome :) Great job getting out there! The sun is deceiving today...COLD out there! :)

  2. Nice creative writing! Very entertaining :) While I admit to a love affair with exercise, "running" and I still have a fairly tense relationship.


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