Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why so much anxiety?

I don't know why new situations give me anxiety. I really do have a problem Ha Ha Ha. I am trying to get on my winter schedule of running on my half days of work and on the weekends. It's easier to get to the gym when I'm at work. It's closer. Plus since it gets dark so early, my days of running after the kids are in bed are numbered. No, I am not comfortable running in the dark. No I won't use a light to help. It just freaks me out and I'm uncomfortable the night!

So my plan is to start hitting up the gym if it isn't nice during the day. My anxiety is at its highest level because I'm petrified to run on a treadmill. What if I hate it?  What if it makes me hate running?  I am freaking out over something so small and insignificant but to me it's big!  Today it's supposed to be nice out so I plan on running outside today. 

I have my next 5k coming up!!  It's in just two weeks and YES I'm freaking out!!!  The pressure is on to do as well or better than the one I ran a fee weeks ago. I can't wait for it because my Mom is running with me this time!!  Yay!!!!  Still nervous though. 

I haven't been running since last Thursday. The scale is showing it :(   I have GOT to get my butt in gear!  No going backwards!  Only forwards!  Just keep swimming right? :)


  1. ... I've gone backwards ... my MFP ticker has slipped back :(

    I personally don't mind the treadmill at all, but I do think I like it more in my home, with MY music or MY show. I'm not an outside runner (major dog anxiety, plus weather issues, and I just like to be a step away from home). Good luck!

  2. I haven't even put up my set back in weight :( It makes me work harder to hurry up and get at least a 1lb loss after losing what I've gained :) Thanks for the support!!


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