Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Almost Time and Progress Pic!

Well, I call the hospital tomorrow to get the time of my surgery Friday.  I am a bit nervous, but at the same time I just am anxious to get this thing over with already :)

I started researching having my tubes tied.  We have discussed and decided that we are not having any more children.  I read that 5 in 1,000 women have an unplanned pregnancy even after having their tubes tied.  Ummmm....HELLO!!!  I was 8 in 1,000 to have my Mirena fail.  I was NOT about to take that risk! 

I called my OB and he called me after hours to discuss what I wanted done and the pros and cons.  I love him.  He is an amazing doctor and just has such a calming presence.  So during our conversation he mentions the option of removing my tubes.  I was a bit hesitant but he then said "If we did that, it significantly reduces your risk of ovarian cancer."  After that, it was a done deal!  The cancer risk is fairly high in my family, so it was a no brainer!

Now onto something new.  I went back to Karate group class today!  I also went for a run once I got home.  It felt amazing!  I am going to do my "homework" tomorrow as my last moment of activity.  I am not sure how I will feel after friday.  From what I have read I will be in pain as the gasses they use to inflate my stomach for surgery break down.  I am hoping that is just Friday and I am good to go the rest of the weekend.

I re-started my couch to 5k app using it for interval training.  I haven't been super consistent with it so I doubt it has helped me much yet.  I am trying!  It is funny going back a year ago though and seeing how much farther I can go now in the same amount of time that I had last year.  It makes me happy.

Here is a new progress picture....It isn't great because I am bloated from just finishing my period and now I will be HUGE and bloated after this surgery, so I probably won't have a good one for another month or so!

 I feel like I haven't made much progress

I look leaner and more muscular arms are stronger and my core is stronger....not strong enough but I am getting there.  UGGHHH.  I did start on my eating schedule with my trainer....just a few cheating days here and there but I noticed how quickly my stomach thinned out.  Someone told me it was because the foods I was eating were a natural anti-inflammatory.  Next week starts a new cycle of foods and I am anxious to get started.  4 weeks of the same foods have been driving me insane!

Ok, thanks for reading and I will try to post this weekend after surgery!

~ <3 ~

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