Tuesday, October 27, 2015

So you say you want to sell your house (part 2)

So last I posted, I left you at the point in our journey where we had received an offer on our home.  Let's just save you the frustration and anxiety of the "haggling" :)  After some back and forth, we finally came to an agreement with the buyer.  YAY!

OH.....now the fun stuff....what stays and what goes.  We were pretty lucky with this aspect in that the buyer wasn't too demanding.  So next step was having our home inspected!  They came, they left, all was well.  We are very blessed and lucky that my husband is handy and everything since we have moved in was updated or replaced.

So....that is all done....so now what?  OH, the best part!  Now you find a home in the process of all this mess.

WELL, we found one!  I walked in and felt peace.  I felt like I was home.  I could see our family growing up there.  So, we made an offer.  Now, we were thinking that we would have some "haggling" and be done....like our house.  OH NO!  The seller wanted nothing to do with our offer (which by the way was very fair for the area).  So, we came back again with a better offer.  OH NO!  Again wanted nothing to do with it.  Is it us?  Do we smell funny?

We make one final offer....laid it all out on the table.  FINALLY!  The seller accepted with terms we laid out.  So, now what?  Inspection time!  A few safety concerns, but its small enough that the seller should be able to take care of it.  Now onto the loan.

We sat down to sign off our loan and the agreement paperwork wasn't written up the way we intended it to.  SO, back to square one and we resubmit the offer (no less money to the seller) and we wait.  This whole process has been a waiting game....the seller taking their good ole time getting back to us.  Almost two days go buy and we get a call from our realtor.

Here is the best part!  The seller came back accepting our offer but then taking back things that they agreed would stay when we first agreed!!!!  GASP!  At this point we were so fed up and angry we said we were done.  Skipping past the painful details, we ended up signing an agreement to cancel the entire agreement.  Then the seller changed their tone.....to the point of doing repairs that we didn't even ask to be done that the inspector noted in his report.

We waited and gave ourselves time to really think things over.....and decided to continue with the buying of this house.

Thanks for reading today!  Next up is the loan and appraisal process....OH YAY!  Stay tuned!

~ <3 ~

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